The Next Gen 9-1-1 Transition: 5 Steps to Improve Deployment of New PSAP Technology

It’s never been more important for counties, cities, and states to make the transition to Next Gen 9-1-1. In a digital world, where everyone and everything is driven by technology that’s always changing, it is critical that our legacy 9-1-1 networks follow suit and upgrade to Next Gen 9-1-1 to continue effective emergency response.

While NG9-1-1’s seamless end-to-end IP-based communication is the next step in advancing all PSAP technology, the deployment of this technology is very complex. It requires carriers, manufacturers, and service providers to work together alongside, and in collaboration with the entire public safety community.

To help streamline and support a quick and efficient transition to Next Gen 9-1-1, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has put together a five step action plan to help improve the deployment of the long awaited upgrade of our PSAP technology nationwide.

FCC Shares Five Steps to Improve Deployment of NG9-1-1large-red-pinpoint-on-map-with-smaller-white-pins-and-yellow-string-connecting-all-pins-showing-location-connectivity-in-next-gen-9-1-1-transition

1. Next Generation 9-1-1 Location Accuracy Tools
Develop a framework to automatically capture location information in the Next Gen 9-1-1 environment. As the data point to trigger the emergency response, location accuracy is the first, and more important piece of information that will trigger the network to deploy lifesaving services. Location accuracy is crucial to the entire system to function.

2.Secure the Ability for Callers to Send Text Messages, Videos and Photos
Answer the question, “How, and with what technology, will PSAPS receive text messages, videos, and photos? Include information on broadband infrastructure and the bandwidth needed to support data communication.

3.Work Collaboratively to Generate Standards
Standards allow us to establish, assure, and measure quality of a product or service while emphasizing safety. For the nationwide deployment of NG9-1-1, all PSAPs and carriers must have a set of technical standards for hardware and software to follow to relay Next Gen 9-1-1 information and to streamline interoperability across the U.S.

4.Create a Governing System
There is no single entity that governs Next Generation 9-1-1 and its deployment. The FCC will work with various authorities including state 9-1-1 networks, federal agencies, and other governing organizations to coordinate NG9-1-1 oversight.

5.Prepare a Funding Model for NG9-1-1
What will it take to get Next Gen 9-1-1 deployed nationwide, and how will it be funded? The FCC will share cost models of NG9-1-1 deployment and develop a funding model that emphasizes the cost-effectiveness for Congress and other 9-1-1 authorities.

Get On Your Path to Next Gen 9-1-1

NG9-1-1 will help revolutionize America’s 9-1-1 network. The FCC understands it will take time to improve deployment, so they are helping to plan the path forward. A path that will avoid inconsistent requirements, unattainable timelines, overspending, and having too many cooks in the kitchen.

If you have questions about your NG9-1-1 deployment, the transition to NG9-1-1, or next generation core services, contact our team. We can assist in getting you the information you need to start the upgrade to NG9-1-1.