Next generation core services for NG9-1-1 are revolutionizing emergency response systems, laying the groundwork for a safer and more efficient future. These foundational elements are the basis by which more lives will be saved across the nation. Below, we take a closer look at the backbone of next generation core services and what they are made of, and how they are reshaping emergency response.


IP-Based Infrastructure for Next Generation Core Services:

At the heart of next generation core services is an IP (Internet Protocol)-based infrastructure. This shift from traditional circuit-switched networks to IP networks allows for more efficient data transmission and communication. IP-based systems offer greater flexibility, scalability, and resilience. This means 9-1-1 will remain available during high call volumes from things like a natural disaster.

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS):

GIS technology provides accurate and up-to-date geospatial data to first responders. Gone are the days of listening to a 9-1-1 operator ask “where are you located” in hopes they can make out the response. GIS data will provide maps, address databases, and real-time location tracking, enabling dispatchers to pinpoint the caller’s location quickly and precisely, regardless of whether the call originates from a mobile device or a fixed-line phone.

Multimedia Data Handling:

The ability to handle multimedia data is a game-changer in emergency response. These core services can handle the transmission of photos, videos, and text messages during emergency calls. First responders receive this information before they arrive on the scene. This means they are better prepared to handle the situation, and faster, mitigating further risk.

Text-to-911 Next Generation Core Services:

This feature allows individuals to send text messages to emergency services when it’s unsafe or impossible to make a voice call. Text-to-9-1-1 becomes very relevant during a home invasion or for individuals with hearing impairments. Overall, text-to-911 will make emergency services accessible to more individuals in times of need.

Security and Resilience:


Next generation core services prioritize security and resilience to protect the integrity of emergency communications. Cybersecurity measures safeguard against potential threats, ensuring that the system remains secure. Redundancy and failover mechanisms are also in place to guarantee continuous operation, even in the face of network failures during things such as natural disasters.

Standards and Interoperability:

Interoperability is one of the cornerstones of next generation core services. These systems adhere to industry standards and protocols, allowing seamless communication and data sharing among various emergency response agencies, including police, fire, and EMS. This interoperability ensures that information flows freely, enabling a coordinated and effective response during complex incidents.

Contact Synergem Technologies to Learn More About Next Generation Core Services

Next generation core services for NG9-1-1 are built upon a solid foundation of IP-based infrastructure, geospatial information systems, multimedia data handling, Text-to-911, security, resilience, and standards-based interoperability. Together, these elements represent a shift in the way emergency responses are handled. Therefore, promising to save lives and enhance public safety. As the nationwide adoption of next generation 9-1-1 continues, communities are positioning themselves for a future where emergency help is just a call, text, or message away, and where every second counts in saving lives.