In July, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) implemented their first-ever nationwide rules for next generation 9-1-1. These rules give originating service providers (OSPs) a deadline to integrate NG9-1-1 capabilities into their networks and ensure the delivery of 911 calls to NG9-1-1 systems. By implementing this new regulation, the FCC is hoping to expedite the nationwide upgrade to NG9-1-1 services. In other words, everyone in the U.S. would sooner have the ability to utilize Next Gen 9-1-1 technology when calling emergency services.

In comparison to legacy platforms, NG9-1-1 services allow for more advanced capabilities in emergency response. For example, it can support things like video, text, and data sharing. Having these alternative communication options available enables first responders to get more accurate information prior to their arrival on scene. Therefore, allowing them to save more lives. Overall, this next generation 9-1-1 nationwide upgrade will make tremendous leaps for emergency services. As a next gen tech company, our Synergem team is excited to be a part of it!

The Importance of Next Generation 9-1-1hourglass-on-book-with-deadline-written-on-sticky-note-showing-fcc-implements-deadlines-for-osp-to-upgrade-to-next-generation-9-1-1

Every year, more than 200 million people call 9-1-1 in the United States alone! Every call relies on dedicated networks to connect emergency callers with public service answering points (PSAPs). These PSAPs are responsible for dispatching emergency responders. Legacy 9-1-1 systems, while effective, are built on technology that limits the type of information that can be shared, and location accuracy, during an emergency.

To help resolve this issue and improve emergency communications, NG9-1-1 services are replacing this outdated technology. Next Gen leverages internet protocol (IP)-based infrastructure to support more efficient, broader communications. This improved communication will not only improve the accuracy and speed of emergency response but also increase the overall resilience and security of the 9-1-1 system. It will also improve accuracy when it comes to locating the emergency.

Why Did the FCC Get Involved?federal-communication-commission-logo-with-capital-f-next-to-capital-c-and-smaller-c-within-c

While NG9-1-1 technology experts and state/local 9-1-1 authorities have invested heavily into making the move to next gen technology as seamless as possible, the transition has not been without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges has been the delayed connection of originating service providers (OSPs). OSPs are the phone companies that route emergency calls. These delays have slowed the process which has led to increased costs for public safety agencies, and the FCC to become more involved.

To help expedite the process and try to resolve this challenge, the FCC recently put rules into place that clearly states the responsibilities of OSPs. Also, they set clear deadlines for when each OSP must implement Next Generation 9-1-1 capabilities on their networks.

What This Means for Public Safety

The FCC’s decision will be a game-changer for the public safety community as a whole. With these new rules in place for OSPs and their associated deadlines, we can expect a more seamless and faster migration to NG9-1-1 across the country. With new Next Generation 9-1-1 capabilities, emergency services will also be able to increase their communications capacity. Therefore, allowing first responders to have greater situational awareness and give needed assistance more effectively when they arrive on scene.

Synergem Technologies and the Upgrade to Next Generation 9-1-1

We at Synergem Technologies are committed to this nationwide migration. We will continue to support our partners as they navigate the complexities of deploying Next Generation 9-1-1. Our suite of Next Generation Core Services ensure that every call is efficiently delivered, secure, and has the highest level of reliability. We believe the FCC involvement and new regulation will be vital in supporting the future of emergency response. We look forward to continuing our role in enhancing public safety with innovative NG9-1-1 technologies.

*Read the press release from FCC announcing the new rules obligating OSPs to upgrade their systems and do their part in the nationwide upgrade to Next Generation 9-1-1.